The pattern is similar. This time the people in the frame are the New Zealand College of Midwives and respected birthing movement author Milli Hill who has been invited to speak at this year’s Midwifery Conference. What follows is an alleged act of transphobia, a badly written anonymous letter and petition, hosted as ever by kind and caring Action Station, handmaiden to cancellation efforts on previous occasions, and a petition that is attempting to create a bullying online media storm complete with demands that a respected organisation capitulates.
Here is a sentence by sentence rebuttal of the letter. There is so much more wrong with it that it was hard to know when to stop. And also a counter petition asking that Milli be retained as the speaker that currently has almost twice the number of signatories. Are people starting to see cancel culture and deciding they don’t like it?
For the uninitiated an accusation of being called transphobic can be shocking but when it is not substantiated by any actual evidence, the claims are clearly innacurate and defamatory it becomes clear why all of this is done anonymously.
Does the government regard this kind of action as hate speech? Is it even on their agenda? Are they going to complain that the letter contains misleading information? It seems unlikely.
Bloody hell- bullying midwives at a time of enormous stress for midwives (covid outbreak). This ‘alliance’ was silent when Midwives were striking, only moved to come into existence when ???