Never underestimate the power of networking
My name is Rosemary Neave, I came across public good when a friend of mine in Waipu, a small town in Northland, invited me to like the Facebook Page.
I had been working with another friend Lyn Scott on the idea of setting up a WordPress website with similar aims to public good. I emailed Jan Rivers, it turned out we had lots of people we knew in common, and we decided to work together to promote public good.
I offered my skills and passion with WordPress web design and for the past two days have been working hard to further develop the website through integrating social media, developing a monthly mailing list, introducing more images into the site, and developing a better navigation system, making it clearer who is behind the site, and streamlining the way people can be involved.
Have a look and see what you think…
Great stuff Rosie – great to see that your are still exploring. But what else did I expect. Love.